Monday, November 30, 2009

Week 13 Learning Entry

This week we discussed the issues associated with distance education and virtual schooling. Distance education can take a few forms such as online, blended, and virtual. There are pros and cons to this type of education. Pros include time flexibility and work pace. The cons include costs and possible lack of motivation. Many universities are offering online classes for larger courses and there are already some schools that are completely virtual.

I personally have taken multiple online classes here at Florida. They all have been business courses. I do not like online classes at all, I think there is a lack of connection between the student and the course. Since it is online the class is not taken as seriously as others. I know most business students have taken close to 50% of online classes for their major. I think that is not such a good idea, by experience I have learned more from physical classes as opposed to virtual.

The outside source I chose was an article of the "Trends Affecting Distance Education." It is pretty lengthy but the main point of the article is for administrators to evaluate is distance education is something they should implement at their school/universities.

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