Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 2 Learning Entry

During this week, we discussed how the world is changing, is aspect to technology. We watched the "Did you Know" videos. I had already watched the one from a few years ago, but the video for 2009, its content was truly shocking. We also went over the Mac computers and operating system. The ability to use either operating system is beneficial in every field of expertise. In sport management, the use of computers comes in handy quite often. In each different organization that one might work in, they might have a different operating system. Being able to operate both on a Mac and a PC makes me feel as if I am more computer literate. Although I hate to admit it, but Mac seems to be the system that will be used most often in the future. Being able to navigate a computer might give me an advantage over someone who can not.

I am a PC and will probably always be a PC, unless Mac lowers it prices! David Letterman made his own PC/Mac commercial. You can view it here. I chose this source because in the video, Letterman express his annoyance with the PC/Mac commercials. As am I!

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